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mobile home 活動住房〔由大型拖車改裝而成多少可長期在某處停放的住房〕...

mobile phone

We sought to bring master s love to unfortunate victims , but the red cross does not allow other groups to visit their shelters , while access to damaged beach houses was closed off by the u . s . army to prevent looting so the only victims that we could help directly were those living in mobile home parks 同修盡其所能,想將師父的愛力帶給那些不幸的災民,卻發現紅十字會不允許其他團體探訪他們的收容所,加上前往濱海災區的道路又遭國家軍隊封鎖,以避免搶劫,所以同修可直接幫助的對象,僅限于住在活動屋住宅區的人。

Moreover , many thanked us with deep sincerity in their eyes , but this exchange of love could not have occurred without the help of the saintly mission director . on september 30 and october 1 , we decided to concentrate on the many mobile home parks in coastal fort pierce , where hurricane jeanne s strongest winds had struck 在9月30日與10月1日兩天,同修決定針對皮爾斯堡fort pierce沿海區域內的許多活動屋停車場進行賑災工作,因為珍妮颶風在此地的威力最兇猛。

During the past three decades she has produced an extensive repertoire of work spanning from an edible family in a mobile home in 1976 when she made a life size family out of cake , through to drawing on a mother s experience , a show which has been performed over 200 times around the world 在過去的三十年中,她創作了大量作品,其中包括1976年她用蛋糕制作的與真人一樣大小的家庭《活動房里的美味家庭》 ,一直到在世界各地表演了200多次的《一個母親經歷的畫》 。

We can live in a mobile home , which is very cheap . a secondhand mobile home costs about 15 , 000 or 20 , 000 or sometimes even five or ten thousand dollars . you don t have much to clean , and you don t need servants once a month or once a week 我們不一定要住在比佛利山莊,也沒必要住在國會山莊,我們可以住在很便宜的活動屋,二手的活動屋,大概只要兩萬或一萬五千美元,甚至也有一萬或五千美元的,而且沒有太多東西需要清理,不需要一個月或一個禮拜就請一次清潔工。

Since the electricity was still out in the majority of the mobile home areas , we could only visit a few mobile home parks during daylight hours . so we retired to an initiate s house nearby and continued working the next day 因為大部分的活動屋住宅區電力尚未完全恢復供應,同修僅能在天黑以前造訪一些活動屋停車場,晚上就到鄰近的同修家中休息,以便次日繼續工作。

Applause i say , “ nowadays is the modern time , with fast technology . everything is mobile : mobile phones , mobile homes , mobile cars , mobile temples . “ you are my mobile temples 大眾鼓掌我說,現在是科技快速發展的摩登時代,所有的東西都是行動的,行動電話活動房屋機動車輛活動寺廟,你們就是我的活動寺廟,我們任何時候都可以溝通,所以去任何地方,非常靈活。

On september 27 , we divided into three teams , drove to various parts of florida within hurricane jeanne s path of destruction , and discovered that the most severely damaged places were beach communities and mobile home parks 9月27日,同修分成3組,開車前往珍妮颶風在佛羅里達肆虐的各個區域,結果發現受創最嚴重的地區,是濱海住宅區與活動屋停車場。

But once interior environmentalist deborah irving gets done [ 10 ] , an old metal - sided mobile home is transformed into something entirely different for a total price that matches the view 然而,一旦堪稱室內環境專家的黛布拉?歐文完成裝修后,這原本四周由金屬圍成的拖車移動房屋變得面目一新, - -花費了和周圍美景一般昂貴的價格。

The company mainly manufactures military tires , otr tires , truck & bus tires , light truck tires , agricultural tires , and exports tubeless otr tires , lt tires , mobile home tires , st series tires 公司主要生產經營軍工輪胎、工程輪胎、載重輪胎、輕卡輪胎、農業輪胎和出口無內胎工程輪胎、輕卡輪胎、房車輪胎、 st系列輪胎。

The solution came when kaleidoscope realised that its new drug contract in wales meant we no longer needed our mobile home , which had been used for a needle syringe service in our rural communities 但隨著威爾士的新藥品合同出臺,我們意識到那些一直用于鄉村地區醫療注射服務的移動大巴不再需要了,問題迎刃而解。

It is a privilege and prestigious to live in a big house , to have a name - brand car and all that if you can afford it . if you cannot , a secondhand car will do and a mobile home will be fine 如果你負擔得起,可以住在大房子或擁有名牌轎車,是很有威望,但是如果你負擔不起,開二手車住活動屋,也蠻不錯的。

Montague , texas ( ap ) - - a 62 - year - old woman was sentenced to 25 years in prison for killing her teenage grandson while he slept , then setting their mobile home on fire Montague德克薩斯(美聯社) - -一名62歲的老婦殺死她十幾歲睡覺中的孫子后,放火燒毀她孫子所在的房車。這名老婦因此被判刑25年。

We handle a wide variety of property types including , office , retail , industrial , multifamily , hospitality , healthcare , self - storage , mobile home parks , land , and farm & ranches 我們的投資類型包括:辦公樓、零售、工業的、多戶家庭的、醫院、醫療、個人倉儲、流動家庭場地、大牧場等。

The susan constant , the biggest of the three ships , was about the length of two mobile homes , including the spars jutting out from her bow and stern 蘇珊?康斯坦號是當時3艘船中最大的一艘,它有兩座汽車房那麼長,包括船尾和船首伸出的桅桿部分。

Personal lines insurance our firm offers a complete line of insurance to protecta client ' s home , condominium , apartment , mobile home , boat and recreational vehicle 在個人保險方面我們為顧客提供私房,公寓,活動房,船只和汽車保險服務。

Personal lines insurance our firm offers a complete line of insurance to protect client ' s home , condominium , apartment , mobile home , boat and recreational vehicle 在個人保險方面我們為顧客提供私房,公寓,活動房,船只和汽車保險服務。

Later , after visiting the assigned areas , the teams met up at a huge mobile home community for the elderly that contained over 1600 residences 完成預定區域的探訪后,救援隊所有同修稍后在一處有1600多戶的大型老式活動屋社區集合。

Loan servicing software that services any type of loan mortgages , mobile home , student loans , auto , and land contracts -國際貿易市場營銷人力資源銀行金融財會工商管理等專業的教學軟件開發商

Guide for exterior colours for park homes mobile homes , holiday caravans and transportable accommodation units 旅游居住車活動居住車度假篷車和活動居住裝置的外部顏色指南